Monday, June 13, 2011

Web Design-Significance of Web Usability in Website Design

Web usability is to make easy and efficient way, for your users to find, what they are looking for through an effective Web design. An effective website design can increase the time spent by each customer on your website and thereby improving the chances of increasing the sales or generating a lead.

Uniformity forms an integral part of a Good Web site design

Users have steadily become adapted to a particular layout for a web site design and thus have become the standard for most of the websites. Some of them are:

1) “Organization logo” at the top left with logo linking back to the home page.

2) “About us” is used for organizational information.

3) “Navigation bar” at the same place on each page.

4) Anything flashing and places above your logo is probably an “advertisement

4) Information like “Privacy policy and terms of use” in the footer

There are numerous other unrecorded conventions that people have started to expect. It is important that Web Site Designers should appreciate the prominence of these conventions in a web site design as we are steadily becoming used to these things while accessing a website.

Size can cost!
It is important for a site to load quickly as customer is very impatient to get the information he want. An average user will not wait for more than 6-7 seconds for a page to download.

Some aspects you may want to consider are:

1) Use CSS to layout your web page.
2) Use CSS to create navigation
3) Use Web optimized graphics

Information should not be hidden

Ensure that it is easy to access and find information on the website. A good web site designer will always makes it easier for people with all sorts of interests to find information. Your web site design should provide info for those people who need just brief information and also for people who want to find as much as possible for the product and services.

Navigation as important as content

We understand the importance of web site navigation in any web site design. Make sure that the navigation makes it easier for people to find information on the web site. There is no point in having a lot of content on your website if no body is going to find it. Make sure that no information is more than three clicks away.

These are only a few points you should consider when developing a good web site design. It is always a good idea to show your website to your family and friends with different Internet skill levels and find out how easy or difficult it is for them to find the information on your website.

Sigma InfoTech an Australian based Website design, website development firm specialising in web design, graphic design, Software Development, search engine marketing, Search Engine Optimisation helps to remain high in the search engines and with it any of the sites can achieve the desired goal of influencing profits.

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